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The Theft of Napoleon's Arabs

This story was recorded in The Cavalry Journal of the British Army in April 1924.

Major Schill, a celebrated German Legion Cavalry Officer, in 1807 took from Napoleon several beautiful Arabian horses, which had been presented to him by the Sultan.  Enraged at this loss, the Emperor set a price of 100 napoleons on Schill's head.  The latter gave himself little concern about the menaces of the French Emperor, on whose head he, in his turn, set a price, and, to show how little he valued him, the sum offered was a very small one.

Napoleon was very fond of these horses and sent to demand them from Schill, at the same time promising to pay him 4,000 crowns in gold or whatever sum they might be worth.   His letter was addressed:  "Au Capitaine des Brigands, Schill."  (To the Captain of the Brigands, Schill.)

Schill's answer to him was as follows:  "Dear Brother, I am more than pleased at having taken seven of your horses, as I see by your letter that you put so great a value on them, but I cannot accept the 4,000 crowns in gold.  I am not in any want of money and should the occasion arise I can always find sufficient in the military chests of the French Army, which I am sure to take.  If, however, instead of this you will replace the four horses which you stole from the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, you shall have those which I have taken from you without further payment."

This letter was addressed as follows:  "Au Colonel de tous les Brigands, mon honorable frère Napoléon."  (To the Colonel of all the Brigands, my honourable brother Napoleon.)

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